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Webmasters Exchange Links

If you own a dating or Lao related website and you would like your link on Lao Babes, please add a link to then send us your link details.

Link Exchange Rules

Please place our link on your website first. Why? Simply put, we are now tired of adding links to sites that does not link back to us. We are very fair and will always reciprocate your link within 24 hours.

We will not add your site if we can't find our link on your site, so please make sure that you have placed our link in a prominent location before you submit your site.

We only swap reciprocal links, and not a three-way (triangular) link. In other words, you must place our link within the site that you want us to link to, and not on a different site.

We only accept text links, and not banner links. Your text link will be placed on either our main page or links page depending on where you placed our link.

We will review your site and if approved your site will be added to our site within 24 hours. You will then receive confirmation by email that you have been added, and the location of your link.

Please use the following details to link back to our website:

Title: Lao Babes
Website address:
Description: is a 100% FREE Lao dating site! We provide a free service to guys looking to find a special Lao woman for friendship, love, romance or marriage.

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